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Dupont Defi Extreme Chrome Black

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Dupont Defi Extreme Chrome Black

Dupont Defi Extreme Chrome Black

SKU: 021602

$446.00 CAD

S.T. Dupont has continued to innovate and upgrade with its new, incomparably high-performing lighter, the brushed chrome Défi Extrême. Its assertive, dynamic and decidedly masculine design symbolises high performance, and its innovative and unique construction combines a body with high-precision injected metal and a semi rigid jacket for increased protection. Its intuitive ergonomics and its tactile features with the diamond head pattern make Défi Extrême the everyday “object d’art”, under all circumstances . Its powerful and stable blue torch flame resists the most violent winds. Défi Extrême is effective from the coldest temperatures (-10°C) to the hottest (+45°C) and works at a height of more than 3500 m, where other lighters fail to operate.   Uses the Red fuel