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Petersons pipes

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This company was made popular in th late 19th century, by two groundbreaking patents: ``Petersons System`` and `` Peterson Lip``.

Peterson Aran 150 smooth pipe

Peterson Aran 150 smooth Nickel mounted pipe

This Bulldog shaped pipe has a smooth dark stain finish with a nickel mounted band, straight diamond shaped shank beadlined adorned bowl.  No filter.  Gift boxed and cloth pouch/bag

Peterson Arklow Sanblast Fishtail #701 pipe

Peterson Arklow Sanblast Fishtail #701 pipe

 These are the smallest, most lightweight designs Peterson has to offer, and they've been popular favorites for a long time.  The Arklow line presents pipes that display the briar's natural grain patterns in stunning relief

Peterson Derry Rusticated X105 fishtail pipe

Peterson Derry Rusticated X105 fishtail pipe

The Peterson Derry rusticated is a variation of the straight Billiard pipe and is named after the second largest city in Ireland.  However the main difference is that the stem on the Derry has a Chocolate/Caramel finish instead of the Jet Black.  Gift boxed

Peterson Junior Rusticated Straight Billiard Fishtail pipe

Peterson Junior Rusticated Straight Billiard Fishtail pipe

Something of a departure from the stout, muscular aesthetic that characterizes so much of Petersons portfolio, the Specialty line contains a number of more petite, lightweight shapes such as the Barrel, Tankard, Calabash, and Belgique. It was created in 1945 and remains a popular range to this date.

Peterson Short Rusticated Fishtail # 268 pipe

Peterson Short Rusticated Fishtail # 268 pipe

Featuring a subtle, one-eighth bend, a forward-canted Dublin bowl, and a gentle transition, this is our signature take on the classic shape. Though not quite nosewarmer in length, the abbreviated style hearkens back to early 20th-century pipe design. Gift boxed.