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Mac Baren tobacco

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The MacBaren Tobacco Company has always been a family owned business, it is the largest family owned tobacco company in Denmark. Now in it's 4th generation

Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake pipe tobacco

Mac Baren HH Vintage Latakia flake pipe tobacco

The Latakia up front, the Virginia chimes in with a bit of sweetness, the Orientals throw in spice, while the Burley provides elements of nut and earth. All are hot-pressed, to marry the flavors into a dark, complex cooperation. HH Latakia Flake is, in short, another uniquely fine flake brought to us from Mac Baren

Mac Baren Navy Flake pipe tobacco

Mac Baren Navy Flake Pipe Tobacco

The Navy Flake is a full bodied tobacco, made up from a mixture of Burley tobaccos,Virginia tobaccos and a small slightly aromatic and full bodied making this tobacco a Mac Baren classic.

Mac Baren Original Choice Pipe Tobacco

Original choice is a new pioneering pipe tobacco which will appeal to 'novice' pipe smokers. Original choice is made from a blend of Virginia tobacco from N. Carolina and mild air-dried Burley from Tennessee.

MacBaren Plumcake pipe tobacco

Mac Baren Plumcake Pipe Tobacco

Plumcake is a mixture of fully ripe Virginia tobaccos, sliced, cask mellowed Burley tobaccos and dark Spicy Cavendish. To give 'Plumcake' an elegant aroma the blend has been flavoured with aged Jamaica Rum.

Mac Baren Scottish Mixture pipe tobacco

The MacBaren Scottish Blend is a mild strength and lightly aromatic pipe tobacco.  Made up from ready rubbed mature Virginias, Gold Brown Burley, Cavendish and loose ripe Virginia. Pleasant room note, mild to medium taste and flavour.  One of the most popular pipe tobaccos.

Mac Baren Vanilla Cream pipe tobacco

Mac Baren Vanilla Cream loose cut pipe tobacco

Vanilla Cream is a colourful blend of loose cut tobaccos mixed with cut plugs. Manufactured from specially selected and aged Virginia tobaccos and the modern McBaren Black Cavendish, then blended with an exceptional vanilla flavour. This selection creates an outstanding blend with superior flavour and aroma.

Mac Baren Virginia No.1

Strength - mild to medium, flavour - mild, taste -  mild to medium, room note - pleasant.