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Backwoods Pipe Tobacco

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Backwoods pipe tobacco is a mild range with various flavours.

Backwoods B G pipe tobacco

Backwoods B G (formly Black and Gold) Pipe Tobacco is a delightful blend with a mild vanilla caramel taste and a touch of honey. There is little to no bite in the exceptionally mild blend. Although this isn't a sophisticated tobacco with multi-flavoured layers, this blend is deliciously creamy and sweet from top to bottom.

Backwoods Cherry pipe tobacco

This Cavendish style blend is topped with a subtle mixture of New England and Jamaican Rums that proves to be extremely mild, yet very satisfying.

Backwoods Original pipe tobacco

Backwoods Original blend is always a smooth smoke without a bite that has a delicate sweetness that will keep you coming back for more. This is an excellent, very mellow pipe tobacco for a beginner who doesn't want a lot of added flavour!